A recently published (April 2016) review of the Nanoose Volunteer Fire Department was published by Dave Mitchell and Associates Ltd. (under an RDN commission).
The report can be viewed here: DaveMitchellNanooseReview.pdf
Some extracts:
The NVFD’s fire hall is situated approximately 15 kilometres north of Nanaimo and the Department provides service to a portion of Electoral Areas E and G of the Regional District of Nanaimo (the “RDN”). The NVFD has a complement of 23 members, one of whom functions in a support role.
Over the four-year period from 2012 to 2015, the NVFD responded to a total of 5609 emergency calls, or an average of 140 calls per year. The NVFD is the busiest of the six departments we reviewed. In addition to fire suppression duties, the Department provides low angle rope rescue, wildland-urban interface suppression, FMR, and attends motor vehicle incidents including providing auto extrication services.
… the Department is to be commended for the level of qualification of its firefighters with all but three members currently at, or about to achieve, the NFPA 1001 FF-II level, thus meeting the Playbook requirements for interior operations.
Other local departments were also reviewed, and their reports can be found on the RDN website.
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